European Cultures - European Identity?
Eight universities are affiliated in the scientific network European Cultures – European Identity. Guided by this main focus, common fields of research will be developed before further research projects and degree programs as well as joint organized research schools will be established within the framework of these collaborating universities.
About us
The background of the cooperation of the universities Bonn, Paris IV Sorbonne, Florence, St Andrews, Toulouse, Salamanca, Warsaw, Fribourg and Sofia (together with the Institute for Literature of the Bulgarian Academy of Siences) is a multilevel collaboration that has been uniting these universities. Florence, Bonn and Paris IV have been closely connected under the terms of a mutual contract since 2005 when a research triangle was founded. In this context, joint degree programs – German-Italian Studies (Bonn-Florence), German-French Studies (Bonn-Paris), Renaissance Studies (Bonn-Florence) – and three joint research schools are being organized (the trinational research schools Founding myths of Europe in literature, the arts and music, and Italianistica, as well as the binational research school Modern German Literature). Warsaw and Toulouse are partner universities with the university of Bonn. The universities of Salamanca and St Andrews conduct joint degree programs with Bonn university: German-Spanisch Studies and German and Comparative Literature. The university of Fribourg (Switzerland) has research and teaching structures that fit perfectly to the scientific network.

Participating universities
Click here to visit the websites of all participating universities and institutions.